
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj ick layer of loess

In additionthere are line and a seven vulnerable elders without character generation , character generation disciple ten names can be called day land there are only limited to master magic door rules buried in Onizuka had little opportunity to appear in the present .
relationresultThis is nota ghost fairy door willing lonely are caused when Feng Danyang on days Pui Jewelry Blue thirteen layer top quality fail to show restraint rampant day land killing is two hundred demon master eventually scandals siege to death .
relationresultGuixiannatural can thus be regarded as being the two enemy if not Onizuka is secret lest eight hundred years ago to escape the family curse .relationresultSostrong as ghost Mr but is also in Penglai cents will just now and blanking .
relationresultThehundred years struggling to forbear to is some day in the future such as Feng Danyang draw faerie Zhu fruit essence on layer thirteen days Pui Jewelry Blue heavy day land but in the fight with .
relationresultSideout at the foot of the stand : go on with the door I can only bring you here dark chirp .Onizuka in the case I have largely been said, believe it or not but two .
, relationresultDingYuanhan : I promise not to kill you but still be wronged you sleep a day . , relationresultPartywho started unconscious in two steps back Jing path : what do you want to do ? Then the chest a faith was unconscious soft down .
relationresultDing Yuanlived out of his body, the side has a pile of rocks to hide after it took a closer look can never see it lies a man .relationresultSu Zhiyu looked upat the sky high and lofty Tai Ping Shan or stretch for hundreds of miles .
If not well against the guide even know that Onizuka is here should cost many time to find .relationresultD: jade road there is one thing I want to consult with you in accordance with the party who said in the entrance corridor Onizuka arranged in a crisscross pattern and special day and night guard we did sneak into .
Moreover, Cher death in ghost Sir master we exercise .relationresultSo I come straight to the point to break and you will take advantage of this opportunity to sneak into the house to save Cher too .
So a bright dark work along both lines or can be twice the result with half the effort . , relationresultSuZhiyu understand now but this plan in the light of feasible but exposure risk than that of the National People secretly sneak into many .
Onizuka is bristly and devils in Master Mr. so diabolism ten master in Ding single-handed kill will go there has no superhuman powers of omission .relationresultTheSoviet Zhiyu shook his head : Ding still jade away .
I have a heart lamp body should not enemy to retreat . , relationresultDing Yuan smiled and said: love you underestimate me .Onizuka is dangerous and may not be able to keep my .relationresultIt by several hour before dawn and before we go to a temporary rest ,recuperate and build up energy .
, relationresultOnizukawas claustrophobic in the sunless day and night is not much difference but ghost fairy door method tends to pure Yin Road midnight Yin peak is strongest when the door master cultivation .
And in the day to do what many Yang is a weakening effect .relationresultOn the other hand,Su Zhiyu and Ding Yuan met again a few days of sandstorm and spent many yuan also need to retreat return .
Therefore two people find a secret place to Panxi meditation gas go Sunday swept worn out .relationresultChange of the seasonsthe red sun rises in sky .Two people from the world are feeling refreshed in the wake of practice to make complex .
relationresultDingstood up and said: I go to love .You be careful you don and ghost fairy door master Yinghan if things can be quickly evacuated . , relationresultSu Zhiyu nodded andsaid : love down .
Ding brother you also have to be careful and then to link bracelet jade communications we to white salt town . , relationresultDingdeeply look to Su Zhiyu a look turned and went to the mountains .
Before two step suddenly turning down channel : first you must protect their then managed to free I don two in any one accident . , relationresultSu Zhiyu flying like an arrow ranging response suddenly go far .
relationresultSuZhi the body of his trance have moments of absence for prover when Ding Brown figure has become a small black spots quickly disappeared in the high mountains and lofty hills in .
relationresultDingoriginal body qi circulation wind such as electric foot down to the rocks do not live in the back .He made up his mind to break from the reckless secretly hidden in the Thai screen Mountain Ghost fairy door guard .
In accordance with the side of evil to half an hour after the kings mausoleum is in front .relationresultAs a result ofyears of vicissitudes natural calamities and man-made misfortunes former sublime mausoleum now leaving only a few still still can identify what lie buried deeply in the Loess occasionally show a corner that reminds me of the date .
relationresultRegardless ofhow great no matter how after the death of AI Rong eventually covered in body but also as a few feet of loess .Even spend countless painstaking effort to create their own money to the postmortem mausoleum in thousand years pressing also gradually to the world of forgotten buried .
relationresultThe tombentrance natural not only in a cliff-face .For thousands of years ago by mountain vibration forming a deep cave leading to the first layer is too quiet temple tunnel .
relationresultWhilesuch caves in Tai Ping Shan meet the eye everywhere who can not pay attention to its presence more unexpected is actually the Onizuka portal .relationresultDing Yuanfor the rescue of Ji snow geese come naturally without literati poet with wind in ancient leisure interest .
relationresultHe walked slowlyhas been covered in thick layer of loess tomb stone lined rock stands bathed in silent soft glow of several strains of grass tenacious from rock crevices out gently with the wind .
relationresultSeveralblack silhouette from a collapsed after quietly out into different directions towards Ding closure .relationresultDing Yuanin the mausoleum ruins stand are indifferent center swept these people face slowly : under the original desire and hell the immortal door main ghost sir please inform .
, relationresultFourblack men at each other one cold channel : breaking the door forbidden but dead . A female hand brake arrow in Ding Yuan was allowing no explanation .relationresultDing Yuan sawhim without forethought toward their relentless killer if a repair slightly difference are mostly to be rather baffling to such life account of mind could not help arouse anger are readily flying .
Mountain character with Yin evil arrows landslide in .relationresultBoo light sound Yin evil arrows turn flirtatious Lawang is Ding Tekken abruptly fell back to straight bite the owner .
The Ding Yuan day ,all innocent gas urges more Lawang castration .But the man .His eyes quickly drawn across the chest . Sting of Yin evil arrows .relationresultRaois so he shook his right arm numbness .
relationresultHave not had time tobreath to present a Ding Yuan left fist is a solid detonation chest .relationresultAlthough Ding Yuanonly three successful show mercy but also beat him over and rolled down into the sand to faint .
relationresultDing Yuan negativehand stand is never out of hand as loudly : still in under the original desire and hell the immortal door main ghost sir please inform . ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, relationresultThis timeno one dared again .
relationresultThreeblack men can towards the back steps mouth out and ghost howl a short twist a head to run since is news to .relationresultDing Yuan mouthwith a sneer go go before .
Around the rubble after suddenly appeared again seven or eight shadows swooped up towards him .relationresultDingbare-handed carry all before one step by step approximation of Onizuka entrance .
More walking out on both sides of the black people more but fell to the ground are also on the increase .relationresultHe intended toeliminate peripheral well taught Su Zhiyu by chaos into Onizuka so let go as attract at Onizuka entrance near the ghost fairy door disciple not stop seeking one .
relationresultA moment oftime behind Ding Yuan has fallen more than 20 people are broken ribs broken faints .relationresultAccording tohis former coach if these full of iniquities and when one does not stay eliminates evil thoroughly but after two years of heaven steeped more read Ye Popo Pro died before his killing of inculcate has cut many call these people suffered from the waste to what can stop Su Zhiyu sneak Onizuka can .

