
Facebook y to Qin days h

A .Middle-aged people ,very dignified to neighboring scan a lap, when exposed to high Jin and the three female party time,cnn, smile .However ,immediately respectfully open the rear door, rear door out from a look only thirty years old young man .
Although Qin Tianhua and Liu Yigui has not seen Chen Ning in the flesh ,Facebook,but that this young man is on television often see Chen Ning of standing deputy mayor who else? , relationresultYuewhen they with high Jin steps together to meet him when, suddenly I heard someone yelling loudly: .
You come take a closer look ,Chen Ning is also the three standing on the high side in the ladies .Clear voice is that of a young female with the parties issued .relationresultWhoops .
Small .Originally very nervous on Liu Yigui at a blank mind, foreboding finally became a reality .My foot slipped ,he sat down on the ground .relationresultQin Tianhua nowfaces is a livid ,feet are slightly trembling ,google,no wonder high Jin to give Xiao Shaoqiang to sell ,even the mayor Tian Zhongqiu face did not give ,so these are the Mayor Chen family .
relationresultBrother ,today I give you trouble ,sorry ah . See Chen Ning coming, Chen Jing quickly and Liu Xiaomei went to meet him ,Chen Jing said the face feel shy .relationresultI am sorry not to mention what Xiaojing you okay ,tell your brother ,who comes to your hands .
Small .A face livid ,Chen Ning .relationresultThat is ,people ,but has been little Fai wrong again . Chen Jing heard Chen Ning so their tense, not by a red eye ,pointing to is Chen Hui grabbed arm Xiao Shaoqiang .
relationresultZhang Nanopened her mouth talking to Chen Ning, but Chen Ning actually did not look at his eyes ,direct turned to Gao Jin et al. The direction .Zhang Nan not be dark with a sigh ,it appears that today own rare a low-key but to bring Chen Ning into trouble ,this guy on his own sister tension is really beyond my imagination .
relationresultI am the subject ,I would like to ask ,what is the reason to arrest my lover ,sister and sister-in-law .Small .Chen Ning asked icily .relationresultThankyou for love ,yesterday to today achievement rises rapidly, Lao Wan today continue to erupt ,and one more night ,I hope you will continue to support the Lao wan .
Multiple voting ,from love normal results were twenty votes ,is now a double pass ,good recovery ,etc. after hard also ,want to catch , relationresultIn the 352nd chapter,whirling , relationresultUpdate: 2010-8-2617:00:11 chapter number :5160 , relationresultThe two one temporaryhave a dinner at home bath sitting in front of the computer is already ten plain but love will keep the code finished chapter .
? the chapter before you say a few words to you apologize first fell accidentally released the two led to many students repeat subscription .The specific cause of Lao Wan in the book have been made with the two day is a day of rest and there is no way to contact the editors .
Sorry. In fact, love in each release time is not deliberately pursue the subscription price is based on integer long integer count when a lot of love will Duoliangyibaiduo when five hundred or six hundred characters are added to now according to the subscription is so upload digital in about one million five hundred thousand but the actual update has reached nearly one million six hundred thousand .
Explain the purpose of the main trend that explain the Lao Wan not intentional accident .relationresultIn addition,after editing work and editing commit communicate if we can gain network agreed to in a day after Lao Wan will upload a chapter of the same length to compensate for you loss section .
Of course, if the site does not agree with Lao Wan also incapable of action but Lao Wan will try to win .At the same time once again expressed deep regret .relationresultMore freerelationresultQin Tianhua not help shaking .
On television Qin Tianhua more than once too young executive vice mayor of each Mayor Chen is smiling a pleasant way .But now stand on their own in front of Mr. Chen is a face livid eyes full of anger .
The Qin Tianhua green regret all the intestines originally Wang O personally called themselves to deal with Xiao Shaoqiang is hit the case had originally thought that landed a can to near Wang Miantao relationship is more important than Xiao Shaoqiang himself or field mayor friend I do satisfied Xiao Zong then Xiao Zong in the field before the mayor for he put on so one or two sentences in the view of Qin Tianhua is boundlessly .
But aways and didn actually made this is the Mayor Chen .While he had ordered the Mayor Chen sister and sister-in-law to catch fly to Qin days, hate not pumping their own a face .
relationresultButQin Tianhua had to face Chen Ning eyes are cold watching him and had been his up Liu Yigui .No wonder who let in addition to high Jin outside only they hang a class supervisor and two class supervisor sign .
? , relationresultThe mayor chen. Qin Tianhua hurried to Chen Ningjing a ceremony at the Qin Tianhua face look almost like crying out .His trembling with fear worked for nearly twenty years hard Branch Bureau deputy secretary of the seat while Chen Ning is not directly in charge of public security but want to avoid are but a few phone calls .
relationresultMayor Chenchen . Liu Yigui hobbled with behind Qin Tianhua also to Chen Ningjing a salute .Liu Yigui just as scared fell down but he .But here his territory say he is but a small police station director but also are the orders must be mayor Chen so great leader never to see .
relationresultWelcometo our Jiefang Road Mayor Chen to inspect the work of police station . This time Liu Yigui also sober always cannot let Qin Tianhua rushed ahead you hesitating in speaking to Chen Ning ,but his piece of fat face constant sweat in out .
relationresultChen Ningdidn before the two policemen but Chen Ning knew this thing is definitely the two masterpiece .Chen Ning didn want to say to this basic level cadre care is mainly want to his sister out of breath .
relationresultChen Ningcoldly shot at Liu Yigui and I have just said I today as the subject I hope you police can handle cases according to law .My sister is flirting with this matter must give us a reasonable processing results .
, relationresultChenChen mayor the case has now been PUC then took over . Chen Ning heard this word Liu Yigui hastily explained to Chen Ning .This time whether it is Liu Yigui or Qin Tianhua in secretly glad that lucky million high Jin let working in this case or the immortals fighting thing the most difficult to do or they .
Now against Mr. Chen if according to Chen Ning is even Xiao Shaoqiang and Wang O are offended .Get a no-win situation .relationresultChen Ningturned towards a high Jin looked high Jinyou this feel shy to Chen Ning nodded slightly .
Chen Ning knew the reason for the high Jin PUC took over as if these following human sacrifice private perverting the course of justice .But this one pressure has been in high class body .
Since he has arrived and is to alleviate the high Jin pressure but also to present the two make you hate the police a teaching notes of Chen Ning frowned and said no such trouble .
If both parties are in I read on here dispose of it . , relationresultSincethe Mayor Chen said that addressed here according to day by Nancheng Branch Bureau comrade in charge . Since Chen Ning was already on the high here Jin never worry about Qin Tianhua and Liu Yigui dare bending .
Will make the best use of the circumstances of the said .relationresultQin Tianhua andLiu Yigui became just slightly toned down mood suddenly look like eight out of the abyss as suffer unspeakably .
Then also hear Chen Ning say well I see it .High class I give you one hour must summon the processing results and I will be right here waiting for you . , relationresultIs. High attention Related articles:

