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No, not at all. Xiao Han understand what love means ,really ,these ten conditions sounds nothing like a little girl out ,but like his father out ,other do not say ,just the last, even Xiao Han felt this was a little have no bottom !relationresultSoa little big ,actually understanding of human nature more than the adults ,isn terrible ?relationresultThere is a saying,be no * * ,Xiao Hanguo ,the light of his holiness would be another attitude ,because of him ,at least on the surface looks ,and greed ,these are Xiao Han external performance ,therefore ,can give a person a kind of his is the same feeling ,because Xiao Han don ,only ambition, he is also not far away .
relationresultIf a manshowed little color ,even now ,will give people a feeling of contempt ,easily overlooked his real strength ,this is actually a kind of camouflage !relationresultInfront of the girl ,Xiao Hanyou point was through feeling ,this feeling is not good ,even though it was his own son !relationresultDad ,you have to give me more have several aunts, and Cher have more people ! This is a small Xiao Xue in his cold arms coquetry say ,when he and sky are all laugh away ,did not think of ,this kid girl seriously in the implementation of !relationresultDaughterto me and concubinage ,this world there is such a ridiculous thing ?relationresultWhenNiukamen the temper is good the Archbishop to little Xiao Xue ten later, will own the epoch-making office hard as stone gold-rimmed nanmu office desk to hit his fist into a heap of scrap wood !relationresultXiao Han ,you have that ! Newcastle door neck veins stood out ,bellowing roar loudly .
relationresultThe doorcarefully waiter two repair at each other eyes ,feel the body is a chill over Chung King only .relationresultThe 331st chapter :gamble ( three) , relationresultCarmenthe temper good bishop to little Xiao Xue ten + at the office that hard as stone gold-rimmed nanmu office desk to hit his fist into a heap of scrap wood !relationresultXiao Han ,you have that ! Newcastle door neck veins stood out ,bellowing roar a loud .
relationresultThe doorcarefully waiter two nuns at each other eyes ,feel the body is a chill over Chung King only .relationresultThe archbishop crown next ? Bishop Voight appeared in the Newcastle Archbishop office door door .
relationresult. , relationresultFirst you go down ,when you called ,. Voight commanded the two nun road .relationresultTwo nunsas the smell of amnesty ,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre,fast minced left .relationresultThe archbishop crown of ! , relationresult,Voight ! Carmen deep booming voice spread out from the door .
relationresultVoightopen the massive wood ,went in ,face Newcastle doorway : archbishop crown ,we investigated ,Guan Pingchao was not in the crescent college break, but in the three months to the one we do not know the place ,this place is very likely that enchants Xiao cold birth origin ! , relationresultCarmenstupefied .
And a pair of old eyes exposed shot a sharp light : , relationresultSpecialshook her head and said :t know .Just know this place may be in the Wind Prairie depths . , relationresultDisease of prairie? Newcastle door Archbishop automatic speaking about road .
This is a million years ago Shenmodazhan to one of battlefield .Don say mythical war have survived ? , relationresultThis is obviouslyyou can Voldemort wars .They don the prairie of the name .
The area that was complete darkness nearly thousand years gradually made some changes .But it is not suitable for human life .A beast home .Until seven thousand years ago .Only the Wind Prairie name said the Xiao Handi family is in the wind after the formation of prairie moved in ?relationresultThis is amajor discovery .
Must report to the Pope his majesty to check in the prairie disappeared master .Especially disappeared some occult family master .relationresults amessage .Dragon sword sage also promoted the sword God is in the prairie break .
But have been identified in the top break discipline . Voight continued .relationresultThe news is also very important ,the holy order to teach is not missing ,but God level is very few, can be get into the holy order ? Newcastle door asked ,he on the western continent master is not too familiar with ,but not here by Voight bishop .
relationresultVoight shook his head: red dragon ,Guan Pingchao and love was the three person three musketeers follow like a shadow ,although thirty years ago does not know for what reason separately in three human emotions do not appear to be affected ,red dragon, this time also directly into the crescent college like or that a special Xiao Han for apartment building ! , relationresultLooks like we the Duke Xiao ambition is not small ! Newcastle door worried , Xiao Han seriously injured reason found out ? , relationresultNo ,a mouth very tight, unless we use special means, otherwise .
.. ... , relationresultNo ,it would disturb his ,Pope adults repeatedly confessed to ,cannot but when, ten million cannot directly with him on the ! Newcastle door hurriedly hand said ,he knew he was the confidant of his meaning ,but if you do, then to seek revenge for the smallest grievance Xiao Han character ,may not know what trouble to poke out !relationresultThe archbishop crown of apologetics ,selection of things ? Voight asked some excitement ,who knows the selection of apologetics saint is how going on ,he also tasted the sweetness ,a little fresh pulp may feel .
relationresultVoight does notmention apologetics saint Okay ,mentioning Niukamen forehead straight out of fire ,the Xiao cold proposed canonized Xiao Xue as the saint the first condition is permanent abolition of selection apologetics joan !relationresultApparently this apologetics Joan he is already know many ,may also have a lot of evidence ,the evidence that other forces have some ,but the also people ,grasp each other everything ,so each other, throwing out the cause destruction to both sides ,so that everyone keep certain restraint !relationresultBut thehand Xiao cold fear ,the holy hand almost caught him any negative evidence ,but often in his hand and had a dark deficit ,but Xiao Han also windy city to operate with a drum out ,the needle is not inserted into the water ,into the .
relationresultXiao Hanzhen ifhe will throw out the evidence ,absolutely can cause the earthquake light ,even the archbishop is cardinal Oscar door is now the biggest rival ,he also can Xiao Han to do so ,because it will make the big loss of prestige ,and suffer not only Oscar cardinal archbishop ,and their also need to be held accountable ,let alone the cardinals ,even the Archbishop may not be able to keep !relationresultAnother place I no matter ,but in the Windy City ,the apologetics Joan selection suspension ! The Archbishop said his door .
relationresultWhy ? Voight asked urgently .relationresultYou will not feel ,the engage in this apologetics Joan selection is like to the executives of a pimp ?Even your own ? Newcastle door Archbishop don discovery channel .
relationresultThe archbishop crown ,i ... ... Voight Wenyan in a face turned red .relationresultyour crooked idea ,otherwise I will save you ! Newcastle door is said ,not that he is not good at that ,but he knows what is important ,Xiao Han since proposed that, if Voight in the windy city was so dry, is sure to be Xiao cold blow ,even unknown to ,secretly destroy . Related articles:

