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The You spring is as early as to break one of soldier to resume an activity under"solution""of ability.Break a soldier a wave hand the pupil burst upon the image of Lin Feng's while life still lingers before the body at Lin Feng Ba.Lin Feng's each words' inviting spreading of Xi into his ear inside of the disciples and breaking soldier is when 8 people finish seeing image.The mouth inside suddenly and lightly reads a way to"move", eight people immediately from break the at present disappearance of soldier.While appearing again Si through arrived 1,000,Beats By Dre In Ear,000 kilometers outside.
"There was also the last matter, had already seen to me aming really wrong.This affair should early and early solve to cut off just right!"Break a soldier at my low voice from the language way.
Break a soldier from the language be over, one Nian hand took out thick Xi of that to send in the space of wring bead.Zhu Hou Xi still kept underrating the feeling of breaking the soldier to know dint.Although wring bead path over the refining behind can with the mutual communication image.But this contact is also is contacted by energy, although the energy needed among this very of little, is to the energy ground by breaking a soldier sensitive.How can could not realize again!
Although have already known Zhu Hou Xi makes use of this thing to peep him.But break a soldier but very curious, the other party exactly has to oneself what scheme, the black Ze information reveals.A dry strong in succession but go to.Breaking a soldier guesses that possible Zhu Hou Xi is making ghost.But can not know what the purpose that he does like this is?In his eyes.Black Ze of go.The sun and moon empire is strong death and harm innumerable.Zhu Hou Xi this with one action moves absolutely be from ruin the behavior of the Great Wall.Break a soldier how again apprehensibility is one country kingly to resist the Shu of bottom.
Hope to begin wringing of inside bead.Break to feed in soldier mouth of read a way:"Give you this time the small Cheng be is that you paid interest.This debt stays to arrive in the days to come.I then with you well calculate for a while."Break soldier Diao to read to complete.The mouth inside reads the voodoo of a sound miscellaneous unclear in meaning again.Because the voodoo ground ends.Break for use by the military hand to bead a put on.
Kui sun star.Imperial palace secret room in.The owners all shockedly looking at noodles to all wring bead.The Zhu Hou Xi and leaving Luo and two last personseseses all feel for breaking the real strenght that the soldier performance comes out profound surprised to fear to.Lin Feng dies in battle.Ghost's renting Xu Yang to divide time is put out, and breaks a soldier to put the terrible strategies of .Everything that is the whole, all make them shocked to arrive extremely of situation.
But immediately Zhu Hou Xi discovers that the face that break a soldier enlarged all of a sudden.Suddenly occupied whole hold to collect.It is tight to press them to see break soldier ground lips continuously the peristalsis being saying what.The owners all produced mightiness of curious, in succession the observation breaks the lips of soldier and sees him be saying what.
Is very quick they discover to break a soldier in times before is talk.But is reading voodoo after, the uneasy feeling of a mightiness cantillates up Zhu Hou Xi's at heart.Left Luo to first read, broke a soldier in times before words, combine again to break a soldier to now send to curse.His facial expression greatly changes all of a sudden and anxiously shouts a way:"Rush through to leave at once here.Is quick ……"
But though leave Luo disillusion of soon can still late one step, a glow-in-the-dark that stabs an eye sent forth to go out from the bead.4 people ground eyes right away a burst of mightiness of piercing, in split second.Their retina already the path be ruined by the alkane.
But this is just a beginning, attack of the power just made a show of later on, whole wring the bead"bang" ground to crack open by explosion all of a sudden to open, momentary, the heavy white only generally gush to four outside tidewaters, the every white only touch to run into of the article is like all white snow that is projected light upon by the Jia sun similar, profuse and disorderly melted, 4 Zhu Hou Xi although the split second that becomes blind in eyes starts to carry energy to protect a body, but drive white the light brush past body behind, a burst of green smoke sends out from their body and spreads a grilled meat ground aroma in the air, 4 people's external flesh the whole burnt paste cracked, go up miserably cant not bear to be blind!
Half above of the imperial palace building suffer breakage, like the proliferation speed in the white light in addition to Zha an appear a speed per hour degree quick,Beats by Dre Electroplating, the speed press to slowly spread, but let the maid in the temple, bodyguard have enough dodge time as for situation that keep more even to aid, so although palatial be ruined half, in addition to 4 Zhu Hou Xis, there is basically no personnel dead and injured.
Although 4 people's condition of the injury is very serious, with lend him of energy, want ~only leave with time, repairing the body isn't what difficult affair.Zhu Hou Xi Zheng wears a pair of eyes and mercilessly bite a tooth and bare on the finger of Nian bone already profound six go into thoroughly cooked center of palm of hand.
Zhu Hou Xi not only hates to break a soldier, he equally also hates ghost to rent Xu Yang, if Xu Yang isn't that the arrogance is overdo.The parties divides time to left for, make other Tu Long Shou not act together, if isn't Xu Yang Ku's method to become Chi.Have never taken advantage o to break soldier cloth Be quiet to launch an attack, break a soldier and how can have the opportunity to live a life, oneself can't fall, either such of farm land.
Zhu Hou Xi knows oneself Si path the man went to and kill off to break a soldier most inning, hereafter will etc. write to break a making reprisals of soldier, Zhu Hou Xi understands the personality of breaking the soldier very much, he since isn't that kind of the Shao enemy doesn't report of person, isn't also that kind of person who repay evil with kindness.Comes from F aftertime's day wanted to be sad, thoughted of here, Zhu Hou Xi lifted a thoroughly cooked palm, Lu crumple Shao some foreheads of bulge pains.
Break soldier after holding to wring bead Shi Wan Fa and cursing, exhausted feeling is flowed out and has no command over huge strategies any further, once the hands hang, the whole individual a soft sit an example in the unreal.
Seem in the brain be fished out a while similar, break the dollar of soldier divine power Si path complete exhaustion, a burst of dizziness' doing the felling of Ou to appear is breaking a morale of troops head and lose to break soldier operation after of"falsely the Yu seals an absolute being" already path stops an operation not to say, ordering of original meteorite some starlight also completely loses, the originally tiny view cosmos also becomes to pull Ji to take.
"Falsely the Yu seals an absolute being" is to break soldier according to Yu limitless"converse a star sky big in week sky", and combine the strategies profound meaning that the too early true person leaves behind from create ground.Want ~only in the scope of strategies inside, rule in the world cosmos completely from cloth establishment.Unless someone can with personal dint to Hang the whole star sky, otherwise of Gua the fish that can become letting people to cut into pieces.Strategies of although the power is astonishing exhaust to the dollar divine power, the Si path comes to a terrible degree and only operates strategies in less than three minutes, Si through break a soldier to absorb of collapse.
See the man manipulating ground strategies to completely ruin behind to oneself!Broke soldier wry smile for a while, start to compare Yu limitless can deploy a strategies of star area, let it revolve aeon by oneself.Oneself absolutely none of Shis BE, in fact break a soldier a bit wild from thin Be getting thinner, have already been good enough to come as a big surprise to people from"falsely the Yu seals an absolute being" of the sword with him, can manipulate one star sky.The establishment rules in it.Just consider enough terror.
Sa and You spring 2 people see break a soldier to sit to pour unreal in, hurriedly frightened of run up to come, originally wanted to stretch hand to probe into the circumstance of breaking the soldier.But be broken a soldier to wave hand to stop.
"I have no Shao what problem.Be just a dollar divine power to overdraw, the head a little bit faints just, falsely the Yu seals absolute being to plus to across empty curse to kill Shu.Still really isn't what I this degree can easily use now, however luckily have this to wring bead contact as medium.Won to across empty curse to kill Shu can have no Shao to so easily clean, Zhu Hou Xi after shoulding haven't discovered, slowly once teach a segment time now, they can realize inside fun, my breaking a soldier isn't so humiliate!"Say the Gua ground breaks at the same time soldier face up present an uncanny Yin malicious smiling face.
Next affair in brief many, broke the Qie that the soldier stops for rest a short while jot to reply a slight dollar divine power.When the brains is no longer murky.3 people land in starfish wood together, one person from dollar in sky of starfish wood, as early as Lin Feng waits person to come to ambuscade to break a soldier here,beats by dre cheap.In order not to bring disaster to fish in the moat, he already at the same time bring the sun and moon empire new monarch Zhu Hou Xi's ground one paper to adjust a soldier now.Garrison in the army corps on starfish wood to adjust to walk.
Arrive at a transmission to combine.Break a soldier how really don't know start this.However even if is know that he doesn't dare to start as well.He will never believe that Zhu Hou Xi will not begin feet on the transmission, if fall into trap be spread to that not well-known space in.Ji like that, breaking the soldier can is really desire to cry to have no tears.
Don't know the method that starts a transmission.Doing not represent can not pass and break soldier hands stick boxing, carry achievement gathering energy.Although his dollar divine power at just in one war consume light, but the energy inside the body lightly leads his benefit Related articles:

