
beats by dre take no cognizance t

Chapter 662 is long to living religious leader
When Tang Su leaves woman the end one dress Shan on the body tore the fragment is just preparing to want strong line of ingoing of time, behind and suddenly spread a voice with cold matchless Yin at this time:"Discard, also not quickly away with it"
Originally was to leave at a kind of Tang Su in the pleasant sensation of distortion, heard in this voice, know that this is a day a territory superior, hence was right away been cold by that to drink of the voice also waked up with a start to come over.
He becomes overdo, sees is the deathless elder of a dark palace and right away and then starts a way:"Is elder you of dark palace, don't know what matter you of elder arrives this to have?"
Deathless elder way:"The his highness wants to see you, follow me"
Tang Su leaves some don't understand, way:"I am in the hand now have no soldier, have no business, have no power, without the real strenght, You Luo's his highness king seeks me such a discard have what use, I have already lost to become being worth of of his puppet, also ability what, ha ha, also rather seek pleasant in time"
"At least you are still on the hoof, want to live the words of life, shut up for me"
The deathless elder is cold after drinking a words, turn round to carry a hand in advance, Tang Su left to once turn a face to see that woman one eye and saw she seem to be already didn't breath, then also didn't realize, leave along with the deathless elder.
Not after Tang Su left to follow deathless elder to leave soon, at this time that red body that lies on the ground naked woman, suddenly opened eyes.
She sat, look in the eyes matchless animosity ground looking at that person leaves of direction:"You these hurt tired, devil, will definitely be punished by retribution of, now that build to turn absolute being not to punish you, I can't pass yours, either"
But she is very strong, she literally sought a piece after standing the dress Shan wear to the back of top in the body, hurried rush but go to toward the direction of the universe line of battle, is just thinking in her heart:"Will this of the old Zu make collective report, he will definitely uphold justice for me, the Cheng cures this disaster chemisette devil of, a little bit ex- sky of matters for taking place, must be this devil stem"
Think like this, the step of woman sooner runs to the universe line of battle.
Tang Su leaves deathless elder of quilt to take You Luo's king front of after, You Luo's king conjectured next Tang Su to leave and seemed be satisfied with very much, send out a You cold orotund way:"Do you want to become stronger?"
Tang Su leaves should be a double the eye Hun Be muddy to have no light, the air is decadent, but after listenning to this words, that eyes in, suddenly and suddenly and violently project together naked, there is also spirit, way:"As long as canning make me strong, you say, make me dry what all can?"
"Is very good, however here should not stay a long while, we have to leave here first and seek a quiet and out-of-the-way place, so as to start, you leave with this"
After finishing, You Luo, Wang Shuo,'s a deathless elder suddenly comes over a way at this time:"His highness, we must exert to leave at once, just this discard the woman of the crafty yin didn't die and had been already escaped, if our movementses are disheveled hair now, this to his highness will extremely disadvantageous"
"Leave, that tiger star son we still temporarily aren't an opponent, however this uses another method this immortalization night fire continuously get up, till then after night dint matches body, the tiger star son calculates what, this wants to choke him to death with strangle to death an ant similar"
Tang Su leaves some tunnel of doing not understands:"That where do we want to go?"
You Luo's right way:"Overseas, grows to living to teach"
Meanwhile, overseas, absolute being tree country.
With You some discrepancies fantasized by Luo king of BE, the absolute being tree at this time the country is already leave is many zero spread to float to float of islet, he was no longer country.
For long term life at island on of race to say, a huge natural calamity heavy earthquake, there are also hurricane and sea Xiao, an islet on of life, then will be thoroughly drowned.
When the star what Long Tian hid seals to print space to be partial to move out, the difference works properly vehemence king to roaringly pound at that time for printing and give the whole mainland on all brought that huge disaster,beats by dre.
And this waters on, the nature isn't likely to escape by sheer luck, they directly drive that sea Xiao and Tao sky of huge*the country put out, basically don't need to be stationed at one soldier of a soldier of the settling of sea state sea battalion.
However although this absolute being tree country is getting more exist in name only, here cover up tracks of long living to teach, still existence, in this disaster, they are subjected to of the loss isn't big.
And the Ju ground of their place, don't also be subjected to too great influence, the all theses all revealed one uncanny.
Here, over there various island in of an unclearly seem to be wrapped up by an outer shell, spread a floating of light You long grass island is drifting in the waters quietly.
Whenever that Tao sky of huge*clap shore of, that You long grass will strong several cents, this floats an island at most will float to move some distances, but don't be subjected to as well what lose.
Mysteriously float an island at that on, there are palatial buildings of one brilliancy falling, he is like a precious jade Ge fairy temple general, locate at in that slice of center that float an island.
At this time, the seat of host of main temple in that precious jade Ge fairy temple is previous, have a to put on green yarn to cover with is like a Caesarean throne over there on.
Ambiguously of dim moonlight, an unique color facial appearance, the Qing city Qing country, plump captivating, **the woman of half dew lazily the half lie on that throne on, her nearby stand two maids, also carry a fruit bowl, the lazy woman takes to a grain of fruit and lightly send to that captivating red lips to eat bottom.
But over there hazy yarn debt under of palace hall in, one person kneels over there at this time, the head doesn't dare to lift as well, and just the body is a bit tiny to tremble, seems and is waiting for what.
Is very quiet in the palace, also no one dares to talk, lead very long, just listen to a lazy woman's voice ringing out, taking a special temptation and letting the orotund way that people listenned to the meeting bone becoming itchy:"Originally teach to save a life time, there are two missions, looking for missing 6 to build to turn a saint machine is the first, looking for a wisp of Jing soul is the second.
Now at present, two missions, but have no 1 can complete, now those dirty difference that damn works properly and comes out to do in disorder, the pouring also creates a good opportunity for us.
So multiplying by that to build to turn sanctuary now is empty, originally teach and make you sneak in that sanctuary, the thief returns to those 6 to build to turn a saint machine, if can not succeed, you from is more unique than there"
Kneel at the man on the ground, the forehead has already been starting emitting sweat at this time, way:"Religious leader, you should know, this builds to turn a saint thing, in the middle of building to turn sanctuary most core, want to get into a that tenth that builds to turn sanctuary heavy palace, ascend rank for sky on, these are basically the affair that the ordinary people can not do it"
"Since can not do it, also want you this so-called thief saint He Yong, you still want this religious leader in person horse?"
"Do not dare"
"Is this time no matter success or failure in deny, is the last opportunity, if you failed, also need not came back to see me, descended go to"
The man " is" backs bottom.
At this time lazy woman nearby of a maid suddenly say:"Religious leader, that difference after working properly a king to escape here, teach medium have the quite a few the pupil be all gobbled up, teach a middleman's the person from the Wei now, frightened be worked properly a king by that difference to be into a find, how handle that difference to work properly a king?"
"Wanting you to wait takes down it imprisons, can you attain?"
Maid's way:"Religious leader, that difference's working properly the king's real strenght is weakened and wreak havoc of was associately made moves to capture by a few elders, now pass at ground fire jailbird prison in, but he can still keep sucking away pupil and gobble up their flesh and bloods and Jing blood, so teach medium the elders have intention to clear this difference to work properly a king"
When the "they who is another can literally kill, but this doesn't go" lazy chemisette voice talks, take an allow of no be refused of meaning, she nearby of the maid immediately don't dare to talk more again.
When the words sound of this woman just falls in, at this time suddenly a tremor of mightiness, make here all be vibrating everywhere, even this decoration in the palace also right away falls off to fall in to be broked off.
"What is the row?"
The lazy woman lay not to live any further at this time and shivered violently to make him eastern to shake west to sway because of that of and have to sit to look for to ask outside of person.
At this time, a maid ran into in the palace, some flurried tunnels:"Religious leader, the important event isn't good"
"Take place He Shi, thus nervous?"
"Religious leader, the center of earth leaves fiery strength just in the dissipation, our cracking down on that difference to work properly the king's strength is also weakening, that difference works properly a king soon flounce break out of"
"What, center of earth's leaving fiery strength is weakening, is this what is the row?"Is long to living religious leader to frightened, also can not consider of at this time what, right away walked out from that yarn act,Beats By Dre Justbeats, in a hurry backward palace in the hasty step rush through.
Meanwhile, tiger star son after that hell passage in came out, resist to get empty but go all the way, that to Sen the cold eyes is keeping sweeping to see that mountain and stream the earth.
Be like search ant general, at look for You the whereabouts directions escaped by Luo king.
He always at go toward southern of time, respond You Luo's king leaves of breathing, again see toward the directions of waters, right away sneer at:"Do you want to go to in the island of overseas?"
However is treating he has to make track for past of time, at this time suddenly once the tiger star sub- mind move, feel the sign text with strength from that mysterious in present, drilled into own body through the strength of that stars.
Hu Xing Zi feels this different, don't dare as well the gist, right away and then usually start reading that contents in the sign text to tracking of You Luo's king, after seeking a place.
When he the reading come out behind, the detection is cloud river in the sky to want to let him the match set out a star soul the affair of the big, right away also not hesitant, throw in all of own minds to that stars in, link into one with woman without pubic hair star sky.
But when the tiger star son starts matching with to set out a big of star soul, living a few some directionses of boundary in the Mi.
Qiao star son, 2 Long Xing Zis suddenly feel at this time when the woman without pubic hair star starts constantly and circularly revolving after joining, the dint of a star soul's that strength, keeping calling them is eager for action.
There is the strength of this star soul, their fix for the real strenght and then can again rise to an all new step.
So at face thus huge temptation of time, the in the mind of the Qiao star son and Long Xing Zi at without intermission flounder, if took these strength, their real strenght the meeting suddenly and violently increase.
But do like this of words, beyond doubt push they to an abyss not, they have already been seen by the star Zu as the rebel, if betray a crape myrtle emperor star again, they will all have no opportunity forever.
Face the countercheck of this kind of temptation finally,dr dre cheap, Long Xing Zi and Qiao star son chose to take no cognizance the dint of that star soul ……
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