
cnn so moved to tears

However, we do not know big brother will do ,but at this time, he will in the shortest possible time judgment . , relationresultTwo peopleare suddenly systemic one, Cao Xun suddenly exclaimed : the most important thing now is to make a decision ,whether the correct is not important ,the key is must act ,not await one .
, relationresultGao Zhennodded ,and said: right, I see should immediately push front army also sent out, put together one ,not according to said ,losing on a return to castle . , relationresultCao Xunyao shook his head,said: no, we want to push front army sent to ,but never returned to protect the city .
He turned to the high earthquake : don ,now there are five thousand or six thousand original Sagittarius ,you go back to the town ,and group of three thousand people ,and we urge front army sent up, the Jin army also reserves of men sent out ,you took the three thousand men to kill them, I want to see the Golden Army ,then how to deal with .
, relationresultLongxing palace gates open again, and a song from the city out of the song ,about more than 3000, also step out of the city by mixed ,directly killed to the road to the battlefield .
relationresultWanyanlong closely with this just into battle song ,see that they will also spread out a centaur , stars shape ,to the Golden Army offensive .Although the two sides have yet to be dead beat it, but after all the fighting more than an hour ,most physical are consumption ,Facebook,but this time the number is far less than the song ,so the force to join in a battle ,changed the battlefield situation ,the Jin army in the road to clear up .
relationresultGuo Xiama thensaid : ,we catch up reserve troops are also sent out to it, or else we stop song . , relationresultWanyanlong nodded ,said: the herald ,retreat retreat .
, relationresultGuo Xiamastartled, said: Sir, now the outcome is still uncertain ,why it will retreat to retreat ? , relationresultWanyanlong pointed at the Longxing palace walls ,said: we are now only two thousand broken arrow ,and Song Jun was in town ,did not know there is no reserve forces, if there is ,then I army will fail ,even if Song Jun did not reserve forces, now we only can and song army into a be well-matched in strength ,even if it wins, but is also a Pyrrhic victory .
And if Song Jun lost ,as long as the closed back ,defensive line, with the inability to siege .So again ,whatever the outcome, we are adverse ,also do not know now there are two thousand reserve troops ,early retreat .
Guo Xiama ,you lead the two thousand broken arrow army army retreated . , relationresultAsthe generals biography under Wanyan long ,each golden army and the war and back ,and the song gradually pulled open a distance ,evacuation of the battlefield .
In order to retreat and Sagittarius ,plus Guo toad led the two thousand army in the battle of broken arrow ,and impact ,cover with the other various Jinbing quit the battlefield ,blocking for chase .
relationresultCao Xun andthe high earthquake situation ,also ordered Song Jun to stop the retreat back to long government Hing town .And the Jin army retreat, Wanyan long also fear for attack ,night gold army short Yang River to river in the lower village .
relationresultThis battlesong both losses are roughly equivalent ,is basically a tie .But in the battle to the end ,Song Jun was repelled the Jin army, but also in the Jin army had retreated when, also dropped a part of body and ordnance ,became the Song Jun prize, so it can be regarded as Song Jun win .
So when Song Jun finished cleaning the battlefield ,Longxing palace outside the city from the back ,the cheers .Men and women, old and young all over the streets, to welcome back Song Jun into the city of gold .
relationresultBut Zhao Qianru also clear,the Jin army is not active retreat ,retreat ,still have very strong strength ,therefore, is also not the effect ,side a reward winning the soldiers ,to treat the wounded ,while also strengthening the city guard command ,in order to prevent the Jin army again attacked Longxing palace ,and sent out scouts ,to discover gold troop movements.
In order to keep the Golden Army ,trends .relationresultArrangethrough these things, Zhao as she hit was ordered in the office ,placed under the banquet ,to celebrate this be not easily won victory .
relationresultThe army,in addition to arrange defense patrol ,all ready new more general all attended the banquet ,a sixty or seventy people ,the prefect Yamen in sent ten table ,packed full to the brim .
The atmosphere is very lively .relationresultAsthey eat and drink rise time, a guard covered with confusion into the prefect yamen ,also hit a serving from people ,Zhao Qianru came to him ,out of the airway : princess ,good .
.. ... The good news ,Yang consort ... ... Yang consort he came back . The prefect yamen outside Yongan ,and the princess came along too . , relationresultExtremely crowdedhall suddenly became silent ,quiet in perfect silence ,all eyes on this and the guard ,Zhao Qianru slowly stood up ,trembling voice: what you say, say it again .
, relationresultThe guardthen also shun had breath ,immediately : told the princess ,Prince and Princess of Yongan Yang is on the back, the prefect Yamen to wait outside, please princess .
.. ... , relationresultHis wordshave not finished ,just listen to the sound of bang ,the hall burst into a great sound ,interrupted that guards told . Yang Shuai is back . General Yang back .
Yang back . , relationresultZhao Chen,Gu Xueping ,Yue Ying Yue Ke ,several young people to jump in excitement .Cao Xun and the high earthquake of four hands clasped together ,Liu Fuwu ,Zhang y ,Wu tin et al also moved to tears ,Zhao Qianru suddenly pushed the chair ,stood up and then ran out ,others see, also have got up and left ,fall over each other to go outside .
relationresultOnly Yang Yanand Zhao Yueru two people really stand in the prefect yamen gate, face with a faint smile ,like the dark night sky color bright eyes ,also issued a delight to .
relationresultI at this time, you are also good spirit . , relationresult******************************relationresultYang Yanlong out of breath ,now I can rest .relationresultBack to theLongxing palace ,Zhao as she hit Yang Yan all is well.
Also relieved ,although also have many words want to ask Yang Yan ,but eventually had to accompany Zhao Yueru to change the rest .Yang Yan was the family to hold feasts, immediately by the officers and men of the people around and asked the question that, everyone concerned about Yang Yan in this time ,Yang Yan told the process, also does not hold people asking details ,lest he should say not clear .
Busy Yang Yanlian Kung Fu is also not eat .A point to learn the spit and auxiliary .relationresultFinally,Yang Yan this time passed after all this ,only to be struck with fright after listening to a story of adventure .
But soon someone to report ,so the soldiers heard of Yang Yan message ,have gathered to prefect yamen ,want to see Yang yan .And Yang Yan went on public will accompany below, came to the door to see ya ,fellow soldiers .
relationresultAt the sight ofYang Yan from the prefect yamen ,the soldiers immediately sounded a loud cheers ,loud ,nearly all of the city could hear .Even many people stood watching .Some of the original election front army veterans were crowded to Yang Yan ,as if to close look, can be determined by Yang Yan is really back ,Yang Yan had to empty the stomach ,I kept the soldiers waved to .
,google.. ... , relationresultAlthoughit was ten at the end of the autumn season ,Yang Yan is tired out of a sweat .Just to all general soldiers are dispersed ,Yang Yancai was finally able to rest in peace ,eat meal .
The heart not by envy Zhao Yueru ,cnn,a return to the Longxing palace ,she hides to the hall after the go ,all the things to make me a person to deal with it .Http:/// , relationresultInreturn Related articles:

