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The Xuan country villas all have no several opponents that is an eldest sister-in-law, and dance that boy also not is say to completely can not fight."Hope a month only the purine smiled to smile, completely don't worry the defense problem of another noodles city wall.
And when Long Shou Tian worries about direction in the northeast door, is the disorderly dance also depressed in the this place, because I because before of fight, when this monster offends city is already have no dint again fight, at least would not° until take a rest for more than an hour also go, and now this place without me this thermodynamic power order, leave him, and he is in the previous combat already tired must enough raise of,cheap beats by dre, there is basically no superfluous energy then put together Dou, that cold month that leaves they although the fighting strength is equally quite good, can the monster facing is also really to order more, not deal with ah, even if there is still here centipede gold the deathless garbage just helped, can that also just two Huan monsters, real strenght again strong also some restriction.
"Disorderly dance, you are just thinking what?The monsters almost hurtled to come to come."The cold maple of flank sees dance indiscriminately wrinkly eyebrows, comes over here to clap to clap his shoulder to ask a way.
"You also know that the monster hurtle to come up quickly, you see so many monsters, hurtle so to come up
Can these people guard?Don't forget to behind still have two to pull out to offend city monster good spirit ground time way.
"Ha ha, I still with why greatly not of affair, isn't the monster of that direction a little bit much, don't relate to of, see us the real strenght of cold fortress in the house, promising can guard this sea city in the town be."The cold maple doesn't be worried that the ground says at all.
"Say pour agile, calculate, ignored you, tended to have some time, I took a rest bottom more."Disorderly dance white the cold maple is one eye, no longer say more, directly meditated at first.
The "Ding" system announces:" Sea city in the town third batches of monsters offends a city beginning."
Because the system announces to ring out to ring, sea of the monsters also beginning start impact toward sea city in the town, the fish soldier's shrimp will all be driving wave headway, however the wave this time have no the first offend city monster to hurtle come big, only one meter high, can take a few monster headways, however amount large, gather to put together, also very terrible.
"The soil fastens sorcery teacher quickly to build a soil wall outside the city wall."Cold month and southeast door there of hope a month only purine 2 people at the same time descend reached a same order, then a way soil wall appear at under the city wall of the front of warrior the chivalrous men.
"Thousand year old demon, should you made moves."Is in command of on the city wall of hope a month only purine to toward a Huan star dust to say.
"Is all right, we leave."The Huan star dust clapped Long Yin who clap the flank, then a head of eagle the dragon appear without basis, Huan star the dust and Long Yin Liang people jump an eagle dragon to carry on the back at the same time up, fly toward the front to, at the same time east the sky of the south, also slowly came together a great deal of dark cloud, the dark cloud this time has no bushy formely, but scope comprehensiveness many, almost will green Long Tan Ban the coast line all surrounded.
Have no in a moment, sea of the monster have already hurtled to under the city wall, sorcery teacher and Shu on the city wall the privates respectively display the scope attack sorcery that he or she take away, various attack means makes moves in succession, the targets all hurtle to go into the city the monster of wall, those blunt the monster coming over immediately encounter tightly stroke, even if occasionally 12 monsters once hurtled sorcery to intensively attackstone area,Beats by Dre Electroplating, but etc. write their is one to chase dazzlingly clear knife sword.
'Bomb~~'southeast direction this place, the thunder makes to ring, a thunder in the sky is from the sky and decline, the direct shot arrived ground sea surface, dozen ground sea surface and the monsters on the ground bellow repeatedly, some monsters that are directly shot by thunder in the sky die on the spot, and didn't be directly shot of, will also drive the wound that thunder and lightning give or get an electric shock.
The southeast direction has the Huan star the dust to use a sky, thunder attack, make to defend city of sorcery teacher and the warriors all easy many, but the northeast direction is some troublesome, those monsters pounded at all of a sudden in the side of city wall, although this place of the sorcery teachers equally and first attackstone those monsters with various sorcery,the amount of monster is too many, but the amount of sorcery teacher again too little, the whole attack seems to be some shortage, let the warrior under the city wall chivalrous man the players the pressure greatly increase, very quite good at the match of the brotherses of these cold fortresses in the house, can also make use of their match of mutual to lead long to make for a while,can't prop up too for a long time, can wait a disorderly dance hurry instauration the real strenght come out a help.
At this time, a burst of excellent however of the musical sound ring out and offend before the monster of city seem lost of**, seemed to be to calm down down, offended the speed of city to become slow many, the players equally defending city also calmed down a lot and made their strength for attack also immediately descend for a while, but also made like this they are on the technique control ground better, although didn't before and so have to kill to harm dint,also consumedly lower on dead and injured, whole come to say, the player on the contrary acquired better advantage here.
The northeast city wall spreads a piano sound here, the southeast city wall there also spread a burst of whistle voice, this is our Ling Xuan's country villa two is using at the bandsman their the combat method help defend city.
"The brotherses encourage!There is the piano sound of the Die to love a month that help each other, the speed of the monster obviously slowed down, everyone added and polished off them to the strength,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com."The cold month stands Gao Han Dao is on the city wall, current of although he also wants to descend the city helps combat, cans even need him to direct here.
"Kill!"If encouraging of the brotherses need not cold month that traverses Xuan country villa, after hearing a piano sound, also knew what is the row, the attack speed on the hand one is quicker than one, and the monster of their in front is also one after another fall flop, just this offends the monster that the city has too many, they want kill all monster shots of in front, perhaps would not° until spend top very for a long time go.
The "Ding" system announces:"Because the defense personnel of sea city in the town increases and offends city monster to re- repair to increase."
At this time, the system announces to suddenly want to ring and offends the monster of city to unexpectedly and again increase, if just a point is the least bit, system is BE not likely to announce, can release to announce now, proved to have defending city of strong attack dint influence to join a troops, but sea city in the town combined and don't discover on all sides what pre-eminent place.
"BE who come a help to defend city in this time?"Hope a month only purine doubt the ground see his/her own this place, and then turn the head hopes to go toward the northeast direction, unfortunately didn't see what special place, don't know as well is who come a help to defend city.But the cold month directing in the city gate of northeast think those within sight month of lately- joined person only purine there of southeast square, none of both sideses knows is what person joined battlefield.

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At many defend city a player not to know is which strong person or that organization joins to help to defend city of time, in the monsters of northeast, suddenly the Shan rises several thousand benefit swords now, these benefit swords fly to shoot but rise from 1:00, then in the sky stop over, the close behind benefit sword again flies to shoot but under, nail fast several monsters are on the ground, for a while pure one blank the district come out.
Those benefit swords after nailing fast the monster didn't stop, very quickly and again the Teng is empty to fly to shoot and rise, again and in the sky come together, the morrow again flies to shoot and descends, again the shot killed several monsters, thus and back and forth several times after, the northeast has already had the one very big blank district, although not is to say to there is completely no on the hoof monster in this blank district, but even if is still on the hoof, also already severely wounded have no dint again fight.
" Depend, what person ah, attackstone dint to be eager to do well in everything ah, keep on massacring like this, my missing his a persons can guard one noodles city wall."The disorderly dance sees those several thousand the evidence that the benefit sword didn't stop, shot after killing one monster, again the Teng gets empty but rises and prepares to again fly to shoot but descend, after like this and thus circulating several times, in this very short time in, already the shot killed several hundred monsters, hence in astonishment call get up.
"A person?Is those flying sword one personal control?" Related articles:

