
Beats Detox brothers humiliatio

Don't frighten a person!!
2 people whom"Si~~~" sweeps floor could not help pouring to absorb air conditioner to lose a voice to say.
"'Gold emperor'what person is Ba Li you?"Two personal enemy rare tacit understanding's making the everyone good is strange, but they can have no this carefree effort to dispute this at the moment, because the girl of at present recruits not to be taunted more and otherwise have a little bit not and very will be bad the making track for of saint arriving ten greatest swords kill, but ten greatest sword saint in make it lively for to tie up most of count this'gold emperor'Ba Li ……
"My grandpa how?"Beautiful Ya Yi Fu's vehemence traverses the person's shape way.
"~~~~That this small brothers is also'gold emperor'he the disciple of old man's house?"'Winds and clouds sword'say.
"He~~~~??"The beautiful friendship up and down conjectured me to say all of a sudden:" He does this body have no the sorcery teacher of 32 meats?Is he qualified?"
"Sorcery teacher!!"2 people to hope to have never thought me still'evil sword private'.
"That's right!!I am a sorcery teacher!!"Say to return when voice call is 20th, an of the fireball is in hand.
The "oh~~~" beautiful friendship appreciated me right away a record to explode Su to say:"Simultaneously go …… don't give all is that I throw a person here ……" sees I drive flat 2 people of ha ha keep smiling to wish:"Finally someone gave vent to anger for them, and this guy seems to be not to want to reveal his/her own fighting skill in this girl's in front, so ……do not escape at this time, treat more when?"
"Ha ha~~~ small brothers~~~ ground we also finish sweeping that time to also wait to walk for you~~~"'winds and clouds sword'say.
"Oh~~~~'Elder generation'how say to walk and then walk?Sit again to in a short while drink a people's tea~~~~"Open what fun?Was very not easy to catch two free labor forces how can so easily give to put to run?Hence I'deep feeling of'request …to stay…
But how again'winds and clouds sword'is also an old crafty huge slippery old fox, good at make use of to nearby and the wholely have condition.He one face is difficult of say:"I also think~~~~But your teacher seem to be not to welcome us~~~"face last though a face feel sorry for, but in the mind cachinnation not already dark beg for a way:"Your boy thinks to be still delicate with my Dou so some~~~~"
But too anxious to their 2 people quickly leave of the beautiful friendship certainly quickly say:"Walk to walk quickly quickly~~~~Don't the Ai my eye."Because the beautiful friendship knows that these two old men also have own grandpa then the person like this can shake live them to want to escape with the they current fighting skill still can of,Beats Detox, but if plus this again'can't fighting skill'of the sorcery teacher was difficult to do.
"Is alas~~~~That we still leave~~~~"'Winds and clouds sword'wear a face to turn round to leave and'remnants gun'the action wasn't slowly either to say a sentence:"The future reunion didn't expect ……" on jumping and taking off to run, and leave ground in their toe of that for an instant my spread a sound to also get into their ears ……
"Calculate today you have good luck …… you have to remember here am my site, if you come to make destructive words again that you die settle ……"2 people although not know that this is a kind of what kind of fighting skill, they know that this makes their Lao next the endless ghost place of humiliation kills them also not come.
"Coming and going is like breeze ……indeed as expected is Gao Ren!!"I the shape way of an exclamation.
"Idiot!!Who are 2 people, who know just, ?"The beautiful friendship appreciated me again an explode a Su skill fork wear the slender waist point at my nose to do a 'three Niang godsons' of the carriage scold a way.
"Alas!~~~all said don't again dozen head, beat again really stupid ……is not that Gao Ren?"I say.
"Gao Ren??Hum that what'winds and clouds sword'is a shameless petty thief, and still'adopt to spend a thief'!!"Beautiful friendship sneer way.
"Adopt to spend a thief?"My surprised way.
"That's right!!"The surprised beautiful friendship that sees me is satisfied with of ordered to nod to say.
"That did he steal a whose flower?"I pack an idiocy to mutually say.Indeed as expected not my beautiful Ya Yi Fu anticipated soon grieve of the facial expression keep turning over cold stare, good half day to just slowly lead spirit come bad mercilessly say:"Adopt to spend a thief is …… is ……" but suddenly the beautiful friendship discovers not to know how to explain that adopting to spend a thief is just good, finally still keeps making her thought of one parlance again:"Be drill into the sex maniac of other people's room at the midnight!!"
The answer of beautiful friendship allows me to think so much cachinnation a , but discovers a to smile again and then will have the disaster drowned so I can endure to pack one side'so that's why' of the facial expression repeatedly nod ……do not think this'female evil head'originally can also such'lovely',http://www.beatsbydrinus.com!!
"No wonder that the teacher just saw him meeting so frightened, however all can trust he in no case dares to beat all yes advertent ……" my confidence is full to fullly say.
"How?Can I hardly see~~~~~?"The beautiful friendship pulls tail sound very long grow up a like fruit very much, I dare to say'BE'word the pain is flat my power.
"Of course not BE~~~~~Just teacher the shape that wants cannibalism is good enough to let he could not slept at the mid-night where dare to also come ……~~~~Say to prohibit a dozen ofs so much of ……~~~~"Hence rang out me in the forest'happy'of bellow.
Is day decline, the fire burned cloud to spread all over the sky, the students had already taken part in various association of each kind in succession, while I also arrive at my stage play agency, how say that I am also a president again to occasionally should also check in for a while, otherwise still really lead to walk people's anger of ……
"You are to don't know~~~~At that time how our 3 people is of went to and kept result from acting wilfully of old four, is also your presidents ……still the blunder in Zhu."I just heard on coming in the lecture that Kevin was full of justice."After the event my Kevin.Shell especially Mu!!The body boudoir drips loyalty righteousness blood of I with the body generation of young haleness old four cloud accept punishment ……"
"~~~Is so?That you why still here???"I sneer way.
My words interrupted a dance up,Beats Solo HD, at Kevin whom all girl in fronts perform, Kevin saw my surprised way:"Is old four!!Haven't you died?"
"You this'the body boudoir drip loyalty righteousness blood of'Kevin haven't died, I how again willing to give up leave you but go to~~~~"Say I mercilessly put out strength of clench his face, I pour the face of seeing this guy have much thick, there just give°s me to sweep floor to go out a this place to start publicizeeing I to have many sense of honors.
"H'm~~~~O.K. Be free, indeed as expected my beautiful teacher Ya is a fairy with disgusted kind noodles~~~~"Don't care I clench his face Kevin top and bottom or so conjectured me for a while, it is a what mercy to feel deeply about what to differ his fairy!!
"Hum~~~ that is that my capability is deep, otherwise I am already half physically handicapped person ……" I am dark to beg for a way.
"Yi?!What about cloth thunder and Si diagram?How didn't see them?"Suddenly I discovered to still have two everyones not to know where to go to.
"Is alas~~~it is a long story~~~~We should feel for having this shameful brothers humiliation!!They incredibly take advantage o your absence cloud bubble Qiao son and pity teacher ……we should start to combine vulgar see them!!Yi?Is old four what do you retreat?"Kevin just I retreated two way of treading to curiously asks in the anger Kai at the same time seeing of the speech ……
"……" I have no language, my countermarch because I am in his opposite clearly saw cloth thunder and Si diagram just since the backstage came out, was to listen to after Kevin's calumny to them the Lun had a chair toward dropping here.After the curve that in the sky rows a beauty exact center Kevin's empress carry on the back ……
"Alas~~~" Kevin bellows to fall on the ground,
"I depend ……incredibly dare to leave I and old four deep feelingses?Your boy owes flat~~~~"Say the Si diagram rushed toward to come over.
"**~~~~Don't think owner all similar to you shameless!!"Immediately after the cloth thunder also rushed toward to come up.3 people tussle together and ask for a side hope the girls Jiaos of war to smile repeatedly, probably these are their purposes~~~~
"Host, are you O.K.?"The Qiao son comes forward an asking of concern way.
"We all really worry you ……"
"Hum~~~I see him BE Related articles:

