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 Realizing"parties in Shihlin" can not help oneself to carry out ambition, Li 淏 after although once tried to support some thoughts as well progressive have two classes of young sonses of farseeing.However these people's experience and prestige is finally ability not with long Be placed on equal footing by officialdom ground"Shihlin parties".Therefore Li 淏 at can not help under, another time was in use"elder statesman's parties".After all compare unprogressive"Shihlin parties", "the elder statesman sends" can ast least also be through the counter of benefits carry on discussing.
Pass by thus one and other whole Su and alteration behind, the government and people of Korea the top and bottom is naturally a vitality to greatly harm.It outward the policy is more promise and then deny and hesitant in the outsider eyes.Keep up to now a day to talk about go into such isolated of territory ground.But Li 淏 then be tied up Be rounded to the party of government and people to contend for in hard from pull out.
Proper Li 淏 is more impatient than at the moment"the elder statesman sends" always don't stop with of "Shihlin sends" of quarrel of.But listen to a bottom suddenly spread a sharply orotund way:"The Yi adult says!The Chinese actually gave you how much advantage, let you betray Korea to them."
Need not title Long Yi's Li 淏 all knows sues to come from the set Jian Hong river.The set Jian system comes from Central plains of the tang dynasty is more perfect than Sung Dynasty.With the Zhang corrects to play of imperial censor for set officer.Suggests it with Zhang to matter, Jian doctor Yi etc. is a Jian officer.Its basic working talent is a direct from the bureaucrat system, the check and balance prime minister prevent°froms powerful ministers particularly power.On top of that, the set Jian system availably transfers to have scholar participation political aggressive.However at physically operation in, regardless in China, is still a party in government fresh, Vietnam, the set Jian system finally and neither the exception grounds all degenerate for the sake of"person lord of ear eyes" and"the party contends for sharp weapon".For the sake of to the gentleman Wang Biao's loyal, the set Jian imperial censors usually pass "Di sweat but go" to show own"wise".Or contend for process in the party in, make use of own authority cannon system writing jail stroke rival.
Acquaint with Pi Li 淏 of set Jian to face a Hong at the moment the accusation of the river don't put in the mind.But in the another part be blamed for Yin Jackie Chan of "communicate with enemy to commit treason" as well follow answer criticism way:"Shameless child, big enemy current Er etc. in addition to carry tales.Still have the plan of saving the country!"
"Carry tales?Hum, don't know that the Yin can know this letter?"The Hong river sneered at a take out a brown paper envelope to hall of Korean king loudly offer suggestion a way:"His majesty, the Pan thieves, such as Yin Jackie Chan and Yin Yong...etc. collaborates with a China dynasty, intention attempts rebellion.This is the minister parties the person intercept and seize of communicate with enemy letter paper.Still invite his majesty to look over."
Hong river this words are a , the whole dynasty hall immediately one Hua however.But see Yin Jackie Chan's facial expression a burst of pallor.But a side is had a roll call at the same time of the Yin Yong then stare big eyes one face of vacant.Even now, saw just return to contend for with Yin Yong get into a hot dispute a ground of Sung a strong arrows step come forward to offer suggestion a way:"His majesty please think thrice.All of two Yin adults are the heavy ministers of countries.Seeing this matter according to minister stills have to is careful to check clearly, so as not to be subjected to person's counterespionage."
Is strong when eye saw Sung openly the station came out a kind of jade Yin Jackie Chan etc. person to defend.Hong river not from slightly take saying of disaffection:"Sung adult.Is careful behaviour really right.However at present Yin Jackie Chan waits person to communicate with enemy to commit treason is already that the offense certificate is definite.If don't decide on the spot ground to carry on a processing.The afraid of Pan thief will do a dog to urgently jump the matter of wall,cheap beats by dre."
"Who the dog urgently jump a wall!Hong river you are this mean person.Your Wu sinks good and faithful!"Presently a few "the elder statesman sends" big minister right away and then the strategic area go up the Hong of teaching toe Gao Qi Ang river.However outside flow out to come in a ground of bodyguard from the palace very quick obstructed their schemes.But see Li 淏 suddenly start coldly sweep one an eye many ministers declare a way behind:"Spread my aim idea.Arrest Yin Jackie Chan and Yin Yong detention.Still celebrates!"
"Minister at."Resist camp hall to get to greatly tread a row way generally.
"This origin of matter you come to investigate."Li 淏 hands over to the letter in the hand to still celebrate a way.
"Follow instructions!His majesty."Still celebrated hands to once connect an offense certificate and lowered the head to receive orders a way, but at one side Sung strong unwilling nature and then called 1 to the monarch:"His majesty.Please think thrice."
However, Li 淏 was just Pie his one eye, then head also not the time ground left in peevish anger.See this situation, still celebrates nature is bawl at to begin descend arrest present"elder statesman's parties" entirely.But Hong the river waited a person swagger ground to then come out palace.Hand over a head to connect ear the meaning that greatly has already wanted to put celebration dinner in the evening.However haven't waited they to come out how far, drive Sung strong to made track for to come up.But see him awfully ask a way to the Hong river:"Hong adult.You that letter from made there come of?The top true contents definitely points out Yin Jackie Chan and Yin Yong have two adults already participated in to attempt rebellion?"
"Sung adult, you this is what attitude!Communicate with enemy to commit treason now of but Yin Jackie Chan.Can the tone of adult's pouring is like this officer Wu to sink a good person."The Hong river returns overdo pull voice Rang of way.Unless see in Sung strong together is "Shihlin parties" ground with him up, Hong river just in the big palace give together together with him three.Is strong when the eye sees Sung at the moment still just there don't depend on Rao not, Hong the river wait a person nature is have never got good facial expression to let him see.
"Hong adult, at under isn't this meaning.At under just want to understand more some circumstance."Sung strong an explanation way.Is strong when proper Hong river waits person to want to open mouth Ji Feng Sung of.From their after death and suddenly come to a long beard man.But see him tiny to wait person to make an expression of eyes to the Hong river, signal hint after they leave, while turning round toward Sung strong openings way:"Sung adult, though the any questions comes to ask old man."
Sung the strong eye see the future is a Li department the book gold Hong Yu still, not from wrinkled up the eyebrows arch hand way:"Gold adult also early know this matter?"
"Hong what they a cut letter paper to immediately come to seek old man."The gold Hong Yu speaks without fear acknowledgement way.
"That letter is really a Yin adult, do they collaborate with to Central plains write?"Sung strong hurriedly cross-examine a way.
"That letter is what elder statesman send write to China dynasty prime minister Huang Zong Xi."The gold Hong Yu noodles has no facial expression ground time way.
"Does the elder statesman send?"Sung strong eyebrows not from ground lock get more deep.Although on the political views Sung strong have many rifts with Yin Yong.But want to say that the Yin Yong communicates with enemy to commit treason, that Sung strong is definitely accounting Be not willing to believe.Therefore he remains still be not willing to relax ground to ask a way:"Even if is an elder statesman the parties have intention to collaborate with foreign enemy.That is also uncertain with the adult of Yin Yong they relevant.The behavior gold of the adult of Yin Yong adult you should really know."
"The Yin Yong behaves old man to certainly know.He has been standing on principles.Although the dint lord sues for peace,is not afraid to die generation."Gold Hong the Yu is tiny to daut a beard of way.
"Now that the behavior of gold adult clear adult of Yin Yong.Does that just and why not clarify for it?"Sung strong not from a stamp foot a way:"Gold adult, communicate with enemy to commit treason but big offense.Hong adult they list as the adult of Yin Yong mastermind, that …is that to frame up in the with intention to!"
A strong shape for deploring greatly while seeing Sung.Gold Hong Yu but just not care a rush ground to say:"Sung adult need not be a Yin Yong to blare gravamen thus.The Yin Yong is the leader that the elder statesman sends, have no reason not to know to communicate with enemy the plan for committing treason.So just Hong adult they are in the speech on the palace don't calculate as well excessively."
"Gold adult, according to your meaning be say the Yin Yong is what elder statesman sends, so ignore he have participation to communicate with enemy plans to all want into it right at the hopeless situation?"Sung finally responded to come over strong ask a way in anger.
See this situation, gold Hong Yu not from lightly coughed a , to Sung strong embarrassed a say with smile:"I say Sung adult, this is to have no the business of way.You also know the wild of that party in government of Yin Yong puts signature to hope rather.Many privates and persons as to it's all the Qing Mu have been already added.Such a person is undoubtedly a to us the enemy is toughly.The opportunity been seldom such an extremely good, we don't allow to pass naturally the opportunity that he removes.Sung adult you have to know, as long as this of attempt rebellion a case to successfully tell to break.We send an elder statesman for the ability that helps mean person to thoroughly destroy completely clean!"
Face gold Hong Yu eager to have a try shape, Sung strong suddenly feel his/her own stomach being a burst of to have muscular spasms.Not long since, he gold Hong the Yu regard as a fair strict clear clear stream.But has never thoughted of this in normal times that the scholar of the inside pose as person of high morality well-known scholar wood is unexpectedly Related articles:

