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Beautiful circle, with throw his in front, threaten:"Take money to roll quickly, kept up with to me again to discard you!"
Wait he to pick up money, Zhang Zhe disdains to of drink a way:"Can not stay any longer and then roll to return to country to go here, don't lower the head to admire a throwing of waist us everywhere Chinese people's face!"
"BE is BE!Eldest brother novella BE, the brothers is definitely straight hereafter waist plank the son is a person!"That guy accepted money, the smiling face didn't lift have sincerity much, appreciate more in the look in the eyes, hurriedly give°ed the ticket in the hand to pass to come over, say with smile:"Although eldest brother not concerned these two tickets, can I not the ability white take money of eldest brother, not easy in this unfamiliar and national everyone, this you all anyway receive."
See this boy still have backbone, Zhang Zhe then ordered to nod and signaled hint to admire though the Can connects to come over, as for see or not, that was another one thing.
Admiring the Can didn't also make it lively for him and once connected a ticket to use not smooth Chinese to scold a way:"Roll, don't make us see you again!"
That guy doesn't dare to say more any further, Qian Yi Chuai, away and disappear ran away,beats by dre uk, that secretive appearance, how see all is like the little thief whom steals things, let the tooth Yang that Zhang Zhe hates Yang, ma of, the Chinese people's faces all drive you these to throw to the utmost!
Heavily huming is a , the Zhang Zhe San people then walk toward the bus website to ……
(May be an air temperature rally, open an air condition in small area of too many, use an electricity severe, incredibly give°ed the circuit to burn to break down, have the power been off since 8:30, hasn't come yet an electricity till now, the amount of electricity saving in the Yes son notebook only has for two hours, so write here, hope that everyone forgives, tomorrow if the status isn't bad, write more point.)

Text 345 chapters are too manily and strangely fits!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:15 chapter word numbers:8505

Take the bus in the United States than take a bus to still have to be difficult in Hong Kong, pour isn't that the person who pushes a car is too many, just that the vehicle scarcity fully waited half for hour in the website, also for red bus process, and still keep returning to the car of handing over the class, don't carry a person, these foreigners get off work time early, basically don't seem to be local and some cities because want to earn more some money, can be 35 hours late to just hand over a car, to sum it up a words, if there is no car means of transportation here, equaled to have no legs, wanted to go anyplace all inconvenient.
Is it happened that here of for-rent the car don't know as well is collective strike or how of, incredibly connect so for a long time a process of all have no, this lets turning rounding and round of Zhang Zhe Ji, the but again is helpless, want to block a private car of commonness, but the nobody be willing to stop, momentary, prince Ye some grasp wildly, with angry determination way:"Admire Can, you seek a car for me right away and ignored, even if is rob to also want to rob one to come over."
Admiring Can is early impatient, smell speech immediately go to go toward intersections, have traffic lights there, start a little bit easily.
Zhang Zhe Zhi attended to stamp foot, but didn't discover own words already drive over integrity the whole ear that deliver to another person in.
Street a business car inside for stopping, Zhang Kang is small and soft to finish listenning to making collective report of under charge, then again ask to sit fore a person lining up:" Young tiger, underneath preparation of how?"
The young tiger become overdo, smile way:"About, can act at any time."
Zhang Kang this just loosenned tone and said:"Is very good, once got in touch with before noticing him what person have no, have a problem?"
"Is to once get in touch with a person, however seem a trader, already be stared at by our person last, should nothing important problem?" The young tiger indetermination say.
Zhang Kang Zhou knit the brows, dissatisfied way:"The dicey words don't want to speak next time, you see that trader right away and interfere with in person, and tonight's activity necessarily can not be the slightest amiss!"
"BE." The young tiger promise a , immediately jump down a car, take two under charges to leave.
Zhang Kang then in mind and secretly prays and hopes that the nether activity isn't wrong.
He Lao Liu thought to walk today luck in making money, just wented out and then ran into a few fools, with hand throw several 100 to oneself, this kind of affair was may come with luck, knew, in the United States, regardless was Chinese people's compatriot or American big-nosed, all pretty much stingy, all what things want to haggle some kind of, be like these two tickets in the his hand, don't say several 100 the United States circle, even if 20 the United States the circle all not necessarily sell of go out.
Is at the thought of tonight again can with Salsa total degree good night, He Lao Liu unbearable, tonight must Salsa that small sao hoof son change to order new pattern with Lao Tze and hear she the deep larynx does a good job, regrettable Lao Tze has never tasted, this isn't a strange Salsa either, who allow oneself to go to a body each time tops all didn't more than 50?
Is different tonight, hold several ticket of opening widelies in hand, He Lao Liu's feels a waist pole straight many, not from regrets:The man's degree of hardness, indeed as expected lean against bill to support!
If the just full brain glistening body ti suddenly bumped with right against the face two big fellows to be full of, He Lao Liu ate a surprised, be used to of admire waist preparation apologize, however ear suddenly start to remember Zhang Zhe, "Be getting straighter the waist pole, don't throw our Chinese people's face everywhere!"At that moment, the He Lao Liu tiger Qu is one earthquake, greatly drink a way:"You how walk, don't grow eyes?"
Two big fellows obviously Leng for a while, have never thought the trivial guy of this full face pours to still have several cents, independence character, exchanged a look in the eyes right away, that meaning is like saying:"Brothers, two of us begin a little bit more polite."
See the vision that these 2 people do with malice, clever He Lao Liu's feels far from good and at that moment also kept not to get up and once turned round to run, regrettable that ability hide him American police still go, again which is these opponents that back a service old soldier?32 put forth effort, be been anti- to button up hands to grasp by two big fellows, basically connect to resist of leeway all have no.
"What name do you call?"Stand from two big fellow backs the man of one a facial expression dark, how see all don't seem to be good thing, his mouthful not too the Chinese of tunnel is obviously also the overseas Chinese here.
"I, I am He Sai, the sixth child in the home, the other people all call my He Lao Liu."The fart that He Lao Liu is frightenned rolls urine to flow and sees this a few guys without cause hold tight themselveses, and looks to do with malice, his still thinking is that he is private to sell ox of ticket but gave offense to Chinese people's secret society here, quickly beg for mercy a way:"Each good brave fellow, small six damn, small six have an eye not to know Mount Taishan, pitiful small six up have 80 old mothers to need care, there are below also two 3-year-old kids waiting feeding, somebody else says that the ox ticket makes money, I come over to try and see, I swear that this is the first-time, and affirmation is the last time, good brave fellow, small six acknowledged wrong, you take me for fart and put me ……"
What He Lao Liu talked incoherently explains, but the in the mind complain of hard lot Die not, press the rules on the way, if don't do obeisance gate to a monastery to collide with other people's business, drive after grasping deathless also get tuo layer skin, break to break feet that still light of, run into a malicious role, grow you up the lotuses all probably.
Just light way that man with darks all over the face allows him to finish saying, :"You sell your ox ticket, and our nothing important relate to, I grasp you to just want to try and ask, just you ran into of what do those people all say with you?For example, while holding tight you they have to doubt what?"
What old six loosenned tone, since the other party isn't hurtling oneself that trusted, certainly, his in the mind still has been already feared and fear the other party kills oneself to kill after finishing asking, so though the facial expression was pale, all over shiver,look to the left but talked him, said some nutritive thing of having nos.
He that carefully thinks where deceive lead young tiger, the young tiger is cold to hum a , threat way:"Although I ain't Chinese people's secret society,with those the secret society is some origins, if you don't tell the truth, I send you to the bald son, let he to tidy up you."
On listenning to bald sub- elder brother's name, He Lao Liu almost has never frightenned to wet pants and at that moment piteously entreats and say momentary lard of oneself receive heart, fear that several personal revenge, this just don't dare to blather what, beg the young tiger see at his just to get alone pitiful person, don't hold the same kind of view with him.
The young tiger decline to comment, lets Related articles:

