
www.beats4monster.co.uk one face unlucky to

With Xia ground the opportune moment arrival that wait for setting fire.
The night more and more and deeply sinks, the support soldier of lion, bear two clans at after marching of several dayses Hou, eventually the Wu can comfortably sleep up on feeling, however they don't know at leave them the distance is ambushing an enemy to want not disadvantageous to them.
Be positive Han of good dream of most person of at the same time, up to 100 scatter in the tent in the big Zhai, suddenly wear to light a fire at the same time, but of tent and tent the sky is cold, so depend specially nearly, this lets fire rampantly burn.
Sees wildfire right away from order to become noodles of combustion, this lets to slept soundly originally medium two clan the soldier could not consider of a portable product, mostly was dressed in list dress to hurtle out.
But this fire come of make these soldierses that haven't wide awoke able to foolishly stand over there quickly and fierce, don't know how to is good.
A few military officer with clearer headses hurriedly give° the soldier whom these are frightenned to receive to organize into teams Hou to carry on fighting a fire at this time, in a little while, see the food for powder taking to be stained with an aqueous cotton quilt or taking foliar tree branch to beat fire.
Although big Zhai in in confusion, however be responsible for the soldier who guards a food have never shone on Kai Di the ground that they expect, left for a help to fight a fire, but starts carrying on constringency, the surroundings that all soldiers in the neighborhood shrink the food and the armament database, see come is have already had preparation.
See a first choice have been already ended up in nothing, the Kai Di has to take the assassins to quickly leave and leaves the whole wildfire of Zhai to lion, bear the troops of two clans to slowly tidy up.
This fire fully burn about four hours just put out, however manies be dressed in list dress and blow to stab bone bise of let them when the monster clan soldier looking at battered big Zhai of the morale suffer a defeat once again.
However very nearly of BE, be responsible for the troops who defend food and armament database from shell Er elder govern, be set fire the experience Hou of burning the Zhai in last time, this time specially strengthen to defend don't let the same matter present to public once again.
At this time shell Er elder of in the big debt, the ground that see the inside Ao prince and the prince of Wei Ni one face unlucky to toward the shell Er elder complaint scolds a way:"Shell Er elder, this matter you how does the Mo explain?You not is say to have parties the person keeps watch on those two clan giblets of each and every move, how was the Mo again touched by them come in?"
The words Hou that hears him, the shell Er elder is helplessly used tone, answer a way at this time:"Two princes you haven't to know, on the my hand only haven't arrive 100,000 troops, in addition to wanting to hunt to add a food, also need to divide a soldier to defend a food, armament database to still have the whole big Zhai.
So can send a fox wing city that of the troops is really limited, however is having monster absolute being to protect so much, the food, armament database is to protect down don't be subjected to influence, can say to is in misery greatly luckily"
Hear the explanation Hou of the elder of shell Er, two princes aren't not either the person of reasonable, so don't also continue to blame and scold his meaning, however the inside Ao prince thought a burst of Hou at this time and towarded 2 people suggestion ground to say:"Be burned today see to tomorrow like this and isn't suitable for to send army, I see slowly a slowly just go.
Because now is a winter, if not and first giving the food for powder 1 can shield from wind to take a rest a place, as long as be blown by this kind of cold breeze that comes from a hell one one two day, make a disease very easily, not so bad this neighborhoods is a tree more, rather early in the morning tomorrow go out troops cent lumbering to set up a house, how do you feel?"
2 people order to mean to approve to hear the suggestion Hou of the inside Ao prince at this time.
And the prince of Wei Ni also add ground to say at this time:"Since it is so, not equal to divide a troops of part to arrive a fox wing for the Gan frailty the city go to jail to see to conveniently defend, as long as those giblets have the action of Shi Mo call toss a Mao hand to shoot his mama of, see them daring to also come out by that time!"
"This isn't all right!"The words Hou that hears the prince of Wei Ni, the shell Er elder stops ground to say.
"Is not good?This how does the Mo say?"The inside Ao prince doesn't understand that the ground asks.
"Is such ……….."However the Hou shell Er elder said 1 time to them the business that I "borrow"ed arrows last time.
BE finishing listenning to the words Hou of the elder of shell Er, the prince of Wei Ni closed a double eye to contemplate in a short while and say:"Is surprisingly they still have this skill, however we still keep wanting this Mo to do.
Being not a Shi Mo is the opportunity that don't make them still have already harassed us, taking care of them is to is really a leave, they want a short gun and then anyway offend city by that time to them, even if they have 10,000,000 pay a short gun to can't be us, either of opponent"
The words make reference to this, the prince of Wei Ni turns a head to toward 2 people to ask a way:"Do you say to right?"
The words Hou that hears the prince of Wei Ni, the inside Ao prince is also deep form approval the ground immediately after say:"That's right!Want a short gun to them, the affair contains the thing have their order of priority in cent,www.beats4monster.co.uk, the most important is the problem that the soldier settles now.
After all we are to take the offensive a square, if be always harassed like this by them, we basically have no for a day to be able to send army to offend city, so shine on the prince of Wei Ni to say of work well, the anyway short gun what we are many BE!"
And shell Er elder at after 2 people's explanation Hou, also feel they say of have a reason, as a result didn't be saying some Shi Mos as well.
At the crack of dawn, lion, bear two clans give° 100,000 troops of last night wildfire influence's least to adjust the fox wing bottom in the city to be responsible for surveillance, however the Hou give° the troops of surplus parties to go out lumbering and build a new rest.
The Kai Di has already taken the assassins to return to a fox wing at this time city to combine the achievement to report they to us.
When knowing has never burned to keep food and armament database, owner all one of "ah~~" mean disappointment, however they postponed Hou at least the lion, bear two clans of attack time, also at last completed a task.
"Pain, favour a night you take them first to descend to take a rest!"The words Hou that hears me, the Kai Di has never also said Shi Mo to excuse to leave for the arch hand and turn round to leave to left for a rest.
Leave Hou in the Kai Di, finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to toward me to curiously cross-examine a way:"What about that now?Want to do Shi Mo next move?"
"Next move ah~~ Hey Hey Hey" words make reference to this, I first mourn their flavors all of a sudden, however the Hou thief's thief's ground says with a smile:"Certainly is go fishing~~ ha ha ha"
Chapter 1(three
Is one to have no lunar night again, bear clan big Zhai at has been devoted major efforts of whole set up again plus most lions, bear the allied troops are all day long laboring Hou, eventually the Wu has a place for shielding from wind to seek shelter from rain to take a rest.
However have was made a surprise attack a day ago of the experience Hou also learned the ways of world, each important points in the big Zhai all deployed large force to defend, the purpose is to don't make us have an opportunity be able to take advantage of a weak point to make a surprise attack them.
In fact only in the fox wing under the city of two clan the allied troops be good enough to let the opportunity that we have never slipped away to go out, even if connect the fox clan that excels concealed my movements most assassin to also have no a way.
Because 100,000 lions, bears two clan the allied troops use torch fox wing city of defend to toss the attack of Mao hand in the soldier to the fox wing city city that shining on one is bright, but is afraid of to occupy vantage point on all sides, so still and the fox wing city keep certain safety distance, however this lets ours the project"go fishing" held last several more cents again.
At this time already near midnight, generally speaking, this is the weakest person's alertness time, the whole fox wing lights outside the city is bright, but inside the city but is an utter darkness one, form a contrast of mightiness.
Nevertheless, the city defends but has no to therefore come to a stop, by the side of the city wall, the food for powder has already prepared friendly"go fishing" of"bait", as long as wait my 1 to make to descend and then can start acting.
Enrich at this time Lai elder at get have already taken seat to complete of repay Hou, toward me to in whisper ask a way right away:"China president of association, what you ordered all has already prepared to complete, now whether wanting to keep up with to be an is similar, order the light in the city all bright lead them to come over?"
"Do not go~" I am to shake first at this time, however the Hou immediately after says:"Being same to recruit can not be used second time, although they are monsters the person is also similar, because they have already before turned on the light to us this recruiting have already had an impression, if we use again, they are definitely to fall into trap.
So we want to turn over this time, not important point light, change a method, use to roar loud to shout loudly to draw on their attention to come over to defend good, at the right moment the moon tonight drive bank of clouds to cover, let them Related articles:

